Commercial Buildings
Commercial building insulation is often very different than residential. The first things to analyze when insulating a commercial buildings are the age and the method of construction. New builds provide better access to do the best possible installation. If an existing building we investigate several factors to determine the re-insulation design and implementation. The construction method could vary from a historic, traditional frame structure on pier-and-beam foundation, such as an old country school or church – all the way to a steel-framed shop, factory, or office building with a mirrored glass exterior. We check building codes, permitting, the legal requirements and regulations. We work with your architect, engineer, or specifier for the best solution.
Factors to Quality Installation in a Commercial Structure
Many details precede a complex installation. Some examples of this: A pre-insulation walk through to inspect the walls and cavities where insulation will go gives the foreman and technicians a review to see that earlier preparations followed the specifications and to see that air sealing has been done, or that the surfaces will work with the spray foam to create a sealed envelope. Moisture control is designed early into the project. The technicians may need to work with ceilings and attics, vented or unvented. The team will review the wall part of the project, taking notice of concrete block walls, knee walls if any, narrow and odd cavities, limited access and special situations, obstacles. Flooring insulation is called for in certain specifications. Our technicians have the knowledge and skills for these concerns and more.
Insulation Inspections For Commercial Buildings
If your insulation is literally turning into dust then you’re not only not protected against mold build up and other types of issues. The air quality inside the building could suffer greatly. The main reason why we see insulation literally turn to dust is the lack of inspections on the surface. For healthy air quality, do a regular inspection as a first step.
How Often You Should Think About Updating Your Insulation?
This is one factor where you inspect with eyes-on the material. Mainly because we’ve seen 5 year old insulation turn to dust and 40 year old insulation looking great. There are a lot of things that make the difference. For the most part, 15 to 20 years is a good time to start looking into what you can do about your insulation. Keep in mind that some insurance companies have policies about covering buildings with older insulation. Your concern may not be the current state of the material, but the fact that you still want to keep the coverage. We understand that.
Going Over Requirements & Insurance Questions
Sometimes insurance may be a factor in the project. Often, local governmental requirements have to be researched and considered in the planning stage. We’ve been providing services to commercial buildings in this region for many years. These are instances that we are very accustomed to dealing with. Sometimes you’ll have to make decisions based more on what’s required than what you would be looking for out of the building. That’s just the nature of the business though. We will furnish our best advice to help your decision making process.
Picking The Best Type of Insulation For The Building
Our knowledgeable staff provides experienced input for you to help you pick out the best type of materials for any particular building. If you want to take your time processing what the options are and what the best deal could be for your particular building we’ll be more than happy to walk you through the process.
Results for Your Investment
Commercial building owners work hard to reach their business plan metrics for a return on investment. These business metrics include greater efficiency and lower energy bills. Energy efficiency will continue to grow in importance as utility expenses increase for the foreseeable future. Another metric is occupant satisfaction. When your employees have an indoor climate that aids productivity then the company sees higher morale and greater profits. An example of an important health and safety metric is Acoustic Impact. A shop floor can generate tremendous amounts of noise, so sound dampening protects your employees and keeps your neighbors happy. Finally, if your building is LEED energy efficiency certified that is good for public relations and may help in hiring young talent to your company.